The UK is a nation of horse lovers. Estimates suggest that the UK horse population is around 796,000, which makes us second only to France in the 28 EU member states. That’s one horse for every 12.4 people! Anyone who owns a horse will know that they produce a great deal of waste.

The Wood Heat Association (WHA) has just confirmed that the Renewable Heat Incentive Reforms have now been laid before parliament. The parliamentary process is likely to take 6-8 weeks, and the regulations will come into force one day after approval has been granted.

Participants and applicants of the Non-Domestic scheme can expect the scheme to continue its current format until the new regulations come into effect.

For more information about the reforms, see our previous blog.

Getting your non-wood fuel authorised with SFR is just one of the things you need to do before you can use it in your boiler. Another critical factor to ensuring that you are meeting your RHI obligations is making sure you have a valid Emissions Certificate for the fuel you want to use.
