SFR provides greater traceability

We recently attended the Wood Heat Association members meeting in Birmingham and, following discussions about the future of the Biomass Suppliers List, it became clear that the industry is concerned about the traceability and integrity of sustainable fuels.

This is something that we have also been conscious of, as not only does it provide peace of mind to those in the fuel chain, but it gives the biomass industry greater value.

That’s why the SFR is a register of fuels - not people or organisations.  As a fuel is transferred from producer to trader to end user, the authorisation number of that fuel changes but retains a link to the previous number. This means that there is less chance that fuel will go “missing”, be falsely accounted for or an authorisation number used illegally.

We firmly believe that the SFR system will raise the bar of biomass sustainability reporting.

See the SFR Guidance Notes for more information about how and when to register your fuel.


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